Congratulations! You've Invested in your Craft


You've taken a step to invest in your craft, both magick and creative writing. You should take a moment to honor the commitment you've made to weave together the magick of witchcraft and of storytelling.

Below are some ways you might reward yourself that align with this course. Of course, you may choose something else (an ice cream sundae perhaps?). These are just suggestions. I do recommend taking some time to acknowledge this step. After all, investing in yourself is the ultimate act of creating magick.

  • Journal about what brought you to this moment and what you hope to achieve
  • Spend a half hour reading for fun
  • Take some time to get out in nature if the weather permits

You'll see as you move through the course that I often encourage you to reward yourself in small ways. This is not only because sometimes our most creative epiphanies occur when we're focused elsewhere, but also because this course will involve transformation for you and your character(s), and transformation works best when it's paired with self-care.

Congratulations, writer-witch! You've taken your first step to pairing the magickal and the mundane in order to walk a path many dream of and few traverse.

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