Get to Know This Course

What Will You Learn?

This course is divided into five sections, three of which make up the bulk of the learning content:

  1. Using Witchcraft to Enhance Your Writing Journey
  2. Using Witchcraft to Find & Write Your Story
  3. Using Witchcraft to Bring Your Story into the Marketplace

The other two sections are this one (the welcome module) and the farewell module. I encourage you to work through all five, but as the course is self-paced, you may do so at whatever speed you like. Material will remain online in this course so long as the course is live, and you will have access for its lifetime.

Let's talk about what you can expect from each of the three main sections. These focus on a three-pronged approach: The writer, the story, and the marketplace. Why? These three elements, I believe, are the three areas an author must inhabit.

You, the writer, must learn to be an author. This means that you will likely ride an emotional roller coaster full of peaks and valleys. This is common among writers, but it's also what makes writing a difficult endeavor. In the first section of this course, you will:

  • Perform self-examination through the arts of numerology & astrology. Developing a better understanding of the self is key to handling the emotional ups and downs of authorship.
  • Learn how to work with oracle cards to help you break through barriers to your writing. Writer's block can occur for many reasons, and you'll learn how to identify the reason for your block and how to break through it.
  • Receive a spell to help you cope with imposter syndrome. You will see that I encourage you to make the spell your own, because in that, you will become more powerful.
  • Meditate to help realize your transformation from aspiring writer to author. Meditation is a skill that not only helps us be present, but also helps us visualize our desired paths in order to manifest a future we desire.

You, the writer, must learn to exist in your story while also making room for the reader. This means that you have to have authority but there also has to be room for your reader to experience the story, too. This can often make it difficult for writers to complete a story. In the second section of this course, you will:

  • Learn how to work with tarot cards to discover your story and your protagonist's path from beginning, through the climax, to the resolution.
  • Find inspiration in and for character and place names using numerology.
  • Use astrological signs (sun, rising, & moon) to better understand character development.
  • Employ rune casts to reveal your character's arc of change and the lesson(s) they must learn throughout the story.
  • Receive a spell to help you write forward toward a complete draft.
  • Work with affirmations to keep you on track during editing & revision in order to polish your manuscript.

You, the writer, must learn how to enter the marketplace with your book. Regardless of whether you pursue traditional, small press, hybrid, indie/self publishing or a combination of publishing paths, magick can help you along your way. In the third section of this course, you will:

  • Use magick to augment your judgement of your book's readiness in order to determine the best timing to enter the marketplace (i.e. when you should publish or query).
  • Work with your shadows to give you the confidence to abandon a scarcity mindset so you and your books can have the opportunity to earn a worthy price.
  • Discover the best marketing endeavors to devote your energy to. (All authors must market their work, regardless of their path to publication.)
  • Receive a spell to increase book sales, to get your book into your ideal reader's hands.

By integrating the magickal and the mundane, you can forge a path for your authorship that you can walk with confidence and craft.

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